Hi Pauline, just wanted to thank you for your Lymphoedema course I attended in September 2014 in Brisbane. Being a lady with issues after cancer and having a double mastectomy left me with some problems and never having any help with lymphoedema. I now know how to help myself with self care management thanks to you. Also if I new there was help out there I would have been in touch long before. I was so glad I found your advertisment for the Level 1 lymphoedema course and have completed. I am looking forward to doing the Level 2. There are so many people out there Pauline like myself that go with out any help.
Being and A.I.N. I was so pleased that I was accepted to do the course, as no other organisation would take an A.I.N. I am looking forward to working with and helping others in the community with lymphoedema.
Kind regards
Cheryl Cowell